The word "brand" is derived from the Norse Word - brandr, which means "to burn", That is, the livestock owners used to brand their animals so that they could be identified. Though the American Marketing Associations (AMA) defines a Brand as a name, term, sign, symbol, or design or a combination of them to identify the goods and services of the seller and to differentiate them from those of the competition. The elements such as name, term, sign, symbol and design are all known as brand elements . Brand v/s Product A product is anything offered for attention, acquistion, use or comsumption that satisfies a need or want of the market. A product is usually tangible. For example, automobiles, tooth brushes, FCMG products, etc. Similarly a product which is intanglible is called a service. For example, airlines, saloons, insurances, etc. A brand is more than a product because it has more dimensions that differentiate it from other prodcuts which satisfy similar...
This blog contains post about various concepts, terms, jargons, and examples related to Marketing Strategies. Many of the posts in this blog are inspired by teachings from various strategy Gurus and Authors.